Thursday 22 May 2014

Effects of the strike - blocking our freedom

A member shared these emails to post; personal information removed for privacy.  These are examples of how the picketers in front of people's homes is forcing them to change their activities, including the simple act of going outside to enjoy the nice weather!

Subject: Picketers blocking sidewalk

Hi M___!

Now that it’s nice outside, I'd like to go for a spin around the block in my chair. But as you know, the stupid SAIL picketers are blocking the sidewalk in front of ArtSpace, making it difficult for the members to pass. I’m tempted to say something to the picketers about this, but who knows what they may say or do.

This is very disturbing, as you know. What would you suggest?

What a bunch of idiots - and that’s putting it nicely.

Have a great day!

Subject: RE: Picketers blocking sidewalk

Hey, J___,

Thanks s for the e-mail – yes, I feel the same way. I would like to start to walk again, but feel there would be no health benefit of the stress from coming and going in my own home.

I don’t have any great answers. They seem to be away from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00ish, but not always.  As good union employees they need their 4 hour lunch. They usually are gone by 6:00 .  They usually announce their departure from the area with a ‘go union’ slogan of some sort.

We have been advised by the police not to engage them – they are professional picketers and bullies.  They have been trained to say the worst things imaginable. And I strong suggest you write an email or letter and send it to ____ or ____.

The documents are stacking up on the inappropriate behaviour on THEIR side.

Keep writing – everyday you feel you can’t get out because the sidewalk is blocked, send another email.

I am going to take my own advice and do that now.

Try to find some humour – calling them idiots yesterday, made my day.

Thank you.

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