Wednesday 11 June 2014

AUPE Harassment - incident report

 (Note that this statement was made by a member with a condition called ataxia.  Despite this, he still made the effort to document AUPE harassment.)

2:45 p.m. 01/06/2014 As I was in the entranceway to my residence ARTSPACE HOUSING COOPERATIVE  9330-101A Avenue, from across 101A Avenue, I was verbally singled out by an AUPE picketer(later learning her name was “Deb” 3 times this person shouted my name, mentioning organizations I belong too, while walking up and down 101A Avenue, As I am on no board or receive any care for the reason they are picketing I found this invasive and being diagnosed with PTSD rather hurtful, when another resident E___ P___ had asked this woman to refrain her verbal attack on me(which was in front of Ms.P___’s 4 and 11 year old daughters, I was showing them hatchlings) and Ms.P___’s explanation of my disorder , “Deb “ simply replied “Ya right”

-Approximately 2:45 11/06/2011 outside of my balcony window and door to my residence Mr. D___ M___(as we have come to know his name) just meters from my closed window, off of our property by inches preceded 3 times to use a bullhorn loudly making announcements (unintelligible for the most part, but did hear him mention a Unit # ___) and repeatedly using a blaring sound whistle resembling the sound of a police siren that could be heard even though I had all windows and doors closed. This is not the first time Mr.M___ has used these devices, I apologize I do not have the date and times but it is usually the same time daily, and in the early morning hours Mr. M___ can be heard uttering words such as “shame” and “scab “when temporary workers are departing via the exit just below my residence, I avoid the ongoing confrontations that occur daily as it does affect my mental health, I have prescribed medication by Dr.J___ P___ for the past 7 years which does help me cope but this is(in my opinion) a case of bullying that is detrimental to my well being, On the advice of EPS I am with honesty submitting this concern for review.

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