Wednesday 30 July 2014

Let's Talk about Care

Let’s talk about Care; perhaps an overused word that is often used by union picketers and the SAIL staff on the picket line.  To truly define “care” let’s go to the Merriam Webster Dictionary for the precise definition: 

noun \ˈker\

: effort made to do something correctly, safely, or without causing damage
: things that are done to keep someone healthy, safe, etc.
: things that are done to keep something in good condition

Am I not the only one seeing the irony? 

The SAIL workers claim they care about the clients they served, but for several weeks they have let them be subjected to verbal assaults, mental torture (abuse), noise pollution - including air raid sirens, horns, loud music - when vulnerable people are attempting to get clinically ordered rest.  Having been in many hospitals and facilities even long term “care” I have become familiar with what defines “care”; these individuals are the furthest thing from that.

I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful lecture by Dr. Lindy Kilik (Ph.D., C.Psych., Neuropsychologist, Geriatric Psychiatry Program, Providence Care Dept. of Psychology & Psychiatry, Queens University), and one thing she mentioned that reminds me of the ongoing torment and abuse ARTSPACE members and our neighbors have endured, bordering on torture tactics used in POW camps, is lack of sleep and verbal abuse.  Sleep is a huge part of our life to regenerate (and is why medically induced comas are often used by surgeons).  If verbal and emotional scars were as visible as physical scars the members of our CO-OP would be showing loads!

Perhaps these picketers should add another consistent to their definition of “Care”; the letter “S”. SCARE!

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