Friday 15 August 2014

100 Days Under Siege: the mentality we face, part 3

Our personal troll, still pretending to be some kind of lawyer, soon left us another window into the mental state of those who have targeted our community.

Avocatzo has left a new comment on your post "There's what AUPE says, and then there's reality": 
Your blog really doesn't make us angry.After all, as I wrote you before, the more you write the more evidence of SAIL's bad faith bargaining we have. Thanks again. Prediction: Your latest opus, like the rest of your tiresome oeuvre, will make it into the exhibit binder in the mammoth bad faith bargaining complaint that will be taken against SAIL if they refuse the up coming mediator's report. You were quiet for a couple of days and I was concerned that you had smartened up and wouldn't give me any more evidence. But then I guess I underestimated the flatulent self importance of your ego as well as your therapeutic need for hysterical melodrama (Sound being a weapon of war and terrorism and torture on the picket line against SAIL residents? Really? Maybe you should calm down a little bit and get a grip if you can't recognize how ridiculous that sounds). Anyway, thanks again for revealing to the world what the SAIL mindset is while this employer is in the midst of mediation. I guess they never intended to make a deal regardless of whatever compromise the Union tendered. 
Posted by Avocatzo to Artspace Under Siege at 20 July 2014 12:36

I don't think it's SAIL's "mindset" that anyone needs to be worried about.

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