Friday 3 October 2014

Media Coverage: 630 CHED

Here's some media coverage from 630 CHED.

Residents living day-to-day with heated labour dispute as SAIL picket continues
Edmonton, AB, Canada / 630 CHED
Jeremy LyeOctober 01, 2014 10:38 pm
Amid the picket lines and a lawsuit filed last week by the AUPE against its critics, residents at the SAIL housing co-op remain caught up in the stand-off that has grown beyond a labour dispute and has now become a debate over what legally constitutes “fair comment” – especially over social media.
In the meantime, SAIL co-op resident ...

Let us all engage in yet another scream of frustration.

It is called the Artspace Housing Co-op.  It's right there in the photo, for crying out loud.  That is where we live - in a high rise and townhouse row.

SAIL Inc is a company.  They have an office inside the high rise.  No one lives there.

Please, media!!!  Get this straight!

The article is short and covers the basics about how things have quieted down, that many think that is because of the negative attention their actions have gotten, and ongoing problems. 

I'd like to give this one a media win for it accurately portraying some of the challenges we've been facing, even if it was so brief, but not with that error about what SAIL is.  They've done stories on us before, and with that photo included, there's just no excuse for such an error.  

Thanks for writing the story, CHED, but can you PLEASE note the difference between what SAIL is and what Artspace is.
The same goes to all media.  If you want a more detailed explanation, please visit this page.

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