Thursday 9 October 2014

Video of the day: targeting the security guards

More videos have been uploaded.  There are getting to be so many of them, we have started to organise them by dates and creating dedicated posts back dated to when the events recorded actually happened.  In the process, some date errors were caught (two posts with incidents reported in June were accidentally posted in May), so please to go into the archives listed on the right and revisit the early days of the strike.  These back dated posts are being put up in chronological order.

Here is one of the more recent uploads, going back to May 11.  There are quite a lot of videos from that day now.

Also, higher quality image settings, making for larger files, so they might take a bit longer to load.

This took place 4 days into the strike, and is comparatively quiet - except that this is happening shortly after 6:30 in the morning, and right under people's homes.  A lot of the units at that end of the high rise are adapted units, too.

The primary purpose of blocking vehicles is to give picketers a chance to present their case and persuade those they are blocking to not do business with the employer.  Instead, there's Zimmerman, spewing nothing but insults and contempt towards the security guards, with a passing verbal barf of disgust aimed at the "scabs" in the vehicle.

From the labour code:

84(1)  Subject to subsection (2), during a strike or lockout that is permitted under this Act anyone may, at the striking or locked‑out employees’ place of employment and not elsewhere, in connection with any labour relations dispute or difference and without acts that are otherwise unlawful, peacefully engage in picketing to persuade or endeavour to persuade anyone not to
(a) enter the employer’s place of business, operations or employment,
(b) deal in or handle the products of the employer, or
(c) do business with the employer.

Y'know, I just don't think treating people with contempt and insult is a particularly effective method of persuasion.  

Someone needs to dig out their copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People and give it a read, 'cause this ain't gonna do it.

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