Saturday 11 October 2014

Video of the Day: trespassing again

More videos have been uploaded.  There are getting to be so many of them, we have started to organise them by dates and creating dedicated posts back dated to when the events recorded actually happened.  In the process, some date errors were caught (two posts with incidents reported in June were accidentally posted in May), so please to go into the archives listed on the right and revisit the early days of the strike.  These back dated posts are being put up in chronological order.

One more from May 11, this time in the evening.  It's the last one for now, unless more video is found or submitted in the future.

Four days into the strike, and Malka is already earning the nicknames he got before people learned his name.

From the labour relations guide, page 44.

Picketing must be peaceful and carried out without trespassing or other unlawful acts.  Violent or unlawful acts can involve legal consequences and may affect the employees’ continued employment.

That lot's been empty for many years, and often frequented by the homeless, transients and others.  There isn't much anyone can do about that, besides the camps being cleared out every now and then and regular patrolling by the police.

As a picketer on strike, however, it's a different issue.  The lot is clearly marked as private property, and trespassing is expressly forbidden.  Even if Malka somehow managed to miss the signs, he was still told by a security guard that he was trespassing.  In typical fashion, he turned and twisted that into something else entirely.

So he knew full well that he was trespassing, and did it anyway.

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